05/10/2013 13:37
The feathery green fronds of the flapping palm tree tops added to the frippery as Lady Penislop Bitchpot drove her pink cadillac with the inimitable number plate blazoned with the legend FABRIC 1 along Tracey Island`s main highway to Tracey Island, who was awaiting the arrival of Lady Penislop Bitchpot in FABRIC 1 at the hidden Thunderpuds` installation, which contained the vehicles and equipment of the world renowned secretly helpful organization, International Rescue, where Lady Penislop Bitchpot expected to find succour.
`M` lady.`

Sharah Chair Sucker-Parker applied the brakes to the limousine and the chauffeur with the overly long, but peculiarly significant name, awoke Lady Penislop Bitchpot with their usual form of address:
`Er ... dress?`

The naked blonde accepted the yellow print frock with the purple tulips and, reaching for the gold lame thigh length boots on the seat next to her, behind Share-A-Chair-Sucker-Parker, the faithful companion and driver of Lady Penislop Bitchpot these many years, while the socialite, more famous even than Paris Hilton, who had smaller tits, had her penis sucked by women who had become ever more beautiful and wealthy as the years went on. Shareah Chair-Sucker-Parker had fond hopes still of someday being more than just another sucker to share a chair with but she was managing to hold on to herself during the glamorous encounters Lady Penislop Bitchpot was periodically engaged in:
`Shall I park her here so that you can find your sucker?`

The jaunt to Tracey Island was more serious than was often the case with Lady Penislop and Sucker-Parker, so Bitchpot politely declined Sucker-Parker`s offer to pot some and suck slop out of her bitch penis, as was their normal routine. International Rescue needed to be alerted to the danger that Penislop Bitchpot was there to warn Tracey Island of. The Thunderpuds would have to be at their very best if the threat to world security was to be averted. Although Penislop Bitchpot had been a friend of Tracey Island and the Thunderpuds for all of the series` episodes of the soupermarinated television puppet potboiler, made by TV Century 21 & A Bitch studios, the bitch was back to continue her rivalry with 20th Century Fux, and their flagship show, Brintey Spares` Whoops Apocalypse I Did It Again, which plagiaristically featured the poppet Brintey Spares in a red jump suit ripping off the Bummy and Stiffhere Anderson soupermarinated favorites, Majorette Scarlett And The Pissederoffs and Joan Nicely.

Each Brintey Spares` Whoops Apocalypse I Did It Again extravaganza began with the descent of a red suited figure familiar to fans of Century TV 21 & A Bitch`s Majorette Scarlett And The Pissederoffs inside a giant ring almost identical to the one Joan Nicely emerged from in the Bummy and Stiffhere Anderson production Brintey Spares was carefully not mentioning in the open credits to her weekly performances. In the Joan Nicely Century TV 21 & A Bitch series, Nicely emerged from her spinning globe with an enhanced brain capable of performing pre-selected genius level tasks, whereas Brintey Spares emerged from her giant ring, looking like Majorette Scarlett, to cruelly hang an Apollo spaceman who had come to visit her on the supposed red planet of Mars.

Brintey Spears was clearly worshipping Mars, the war god in pagan rituals set to the rhythms of the Satanic pop music she was the purveyor of while Century TV 21 & A Bitch studios` legendary heroine Majorette Scarlett would never ever have even dreamed of hanging an Apollo astronaut `live on TV` as Brintey Spares was billed to do in the opening credits of each of her `Satanic episodes`. Century TV 21 & A Bitch studios had long prepared their legal position with regard to the Fux at 20th Century productions and Lady Penislop Bitchpot was arriving to speak with Tracey Island in FABRIC 1 to place International Rescue and Thunderpuds on red alert in case `The Fux`, as Brintey Spares was known, wanted to ask if she could borrow anything more without asking Nicely.
`Thank you Sucker. That will be all.`

Lady Penislop Bitchpot strode away from the car in her thigh length golden lame boots with the silvered high heels and her purple tulip print yellow frock, which revealed a lot of her upper bodywork but left her tool and her lips secret. Penislop had her own penis as a `futanarian` woman and she had a plan. If woman was to develop beyond the male chauvinist perspective that she should be a brainless airhead, Penislop herself would have to impregnate very many beautiful young girls with penis slop from her own testicles, thereby ensuring the human species would have her own brains and so one day develop intelligence.

The path from the driveway that ended at the garage where Sucker-Parker was now placing the limo was resplendent with sparkling green and pink gravel in the autumn sunshine. Bitchpot crunched her heels delightedly into the chiaroscuro of marble chips as the pink and green lumps bounced around her footsteps to discover bluer and rosier chunks beneath. Feet dancing towards the oaken door with its pornographic brasses, Lady Penislop grasped the rusty hinged phallus of the satyrical knob. With whitening knuckles, she adjusted her fingers` grasp to the requirements of the unusual prominence of the metal contraption before rapping imperiously upon the recalcitrantly resplendent portal with the mythological creature`s golden coloured bollocks.

The door opened slowly until Lady Bitchpot was able to descry a form within the dimly lighted interior. `I`n`t in tin?` Penislop addressed who she supposed was the daughter somewhere. `I`n`t it?` Lady Bitchpot decided that was an invitation to step across the threshold so she could see her interlocutor more clearly. `It`s usually in here, isn`t it?` Bitchpot crossed over to the alcove nearest and, pushing the thin curtain aside, pointed to the stainless steel and chrome sex machine. `Oh that,` said I`n`t in tin, `I`m not using it right now, but you`re welcome.` Lady Penislop slid herself out from under the curtain and reappeared in the vestibule by the side of I`n`t in tin, `My come is very well,` she enunciated with feeling, `and it`ll be in later until I`ve come well again.` Having reestablished the traditional rapport between host and guest at Tracey Island`s residence, Lady Penislop Bitchpot and I`n`t in tin embraced enthusiastically before I`n`t in tin spoke gently into Penislop`s right ear:
`Tracey`s in tin ether.`

Judging correctly that Tracey Island was engaged in surfing the ethernet on her laptop to see if she was in `tin`, which would mean `The Pud`, evil adversary of the Thunderpuds, was endeavouring to trap her in a `snuff tin` movie, Lady Penislop Bitchpot took her daughter I`n`t in tin`s hand and the pair ambled into the hall proper. Wisely reflecting that Tracey had never told I`n`t in tin the reason for her name, Penislop Bitchpot let go of her companion`s hand and went straight up the staircase that led to Tracey Island`s sumptuous boudoir. Cream and gold were the words that leaped past the imagination to stick like limpets to the mind`s eye as Lady Penislop threw aside the curtain that concealed the whereabouts of Tracey Island`s bed chamber:
`Tres scene!`

Tracey Island was barely discernible amidst the heaps of pink cushions and pillows she`d surrounded herself with on the rotating sleeping arrangements she`d installed to afford her an opportunity to observe each of the array of moving picture screens that appeared to her vision as she revolved lollingly atop the highest mound of marshmallow pink dream supporters. Mainly she seemed to be admiring her own dreamily pink selves as they cavorted, bedecked scantily in mushroom boosters and triangles, but Tracey was also visible to her self from the bed, and amongst her selves on screen, splurting semen in copious amounts of sexual admiration from her penis.
`Sisters are doing it for themselves?`

Hand on chin Tracey kept one eye on the wallscreens while the other appraised the gold booted Penislop Bitchpot in the purple tulip yellow print frock accessorized with plastic green daisy necklace, earings, bangles, and nose stud. While one azurely sparkling orb twinkled amusedly at herself ejaculating semen on another of her mushroom boosted and triangled bikini babes upon the screens she`d been rotatingly devouring greedily with both eyes while her fingers dipped busily into the honey pot between her thighs, the other sapphired pupil directed its attention towards Penislop Bitchpot. The two lips of Tracey Island`s mouth parted to show the gleaming white pearl set of her teeth and the delicate sugariness of her words emerged soundly in tonguely red articulate bytes:
`Jusht tush.`

The rhythmic movements on the screens were set to the strains of the music of the late 20th century Scottish lead singer with her band, The Eurythmics, and Tracey Island must have done something with the volume controls, because the sound became louder as she waved her guest over to be with her on the mounds of pink squashy and crinkled stuffed fabric that looked a lot like a woman`s testicles would if she`d shave regularly:
`We say, sisters are doin' it for themselves;
Standin' on their own two feet:
And ringin' on their own bells.`

Lady Penislop Bitchpot was already wringing on her bell before she got to Tracey Island and ejaculated with a tiny squeak of enthusiasm as the scenes on the wall around the slowly churning bed continued to depict the glopping of the splurtable inflateds onto the naked rubbery belles with the belless wobblers.
`Breeding time at the zoo?`

Flipping open a copy of a pile of the British soft porn magazines Zoo that she kept beside her for some reason, Tracey Island showed Penislop Bitchpot the `Zooper` of the month dangling her fifteen inch penis down and into the mouth of the belless babe with the bloated balloons. Lady Penislop took the magazine into her lap and began flipping the pages of colourful penis like elephants noses and young women with milk bags as big as melons.
`Where is Brains?`

Brains was the `futanarian` expert with Tracey Island`s Thunderpuds. She was the bespectacled voluptuary who`d made the invaluable rediscovery for the human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen. If women bred as a self-reproducing human species socio-economically independent from men, she`d have her own brains and could plot her escape from the Earth away from the alien parasitical virality that had invaded her host womb as its killer. Here at Thunderpuds International Rescue H.Q. research laboratories, Brains was busily reproducing the conditions needed to breed the human species without its devourer. Brains would quote God if given half a prefiguration to do so:
`.... crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)

Woman`s Brains had decided to breed the `futanarian` futrace of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen so that the `serpent`s seed` of men with their `perpetual enmity` for women`s `seed` would be crushed beneath her heel as she ran instead of hobbled as a brain damaged cripple to the planets and stars of the heaven that the `serpent`s seed` of men`s rapist breeding with her had animalistically denied to her spirited humanity. Eons of creating civilization, culture and art lay behind her wasted by the serpent`s ceaseless wars against her in preference for itself as her disease.

The late 20th century had even seen the `serpent`s seed` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses to create the biological terror weapon of mass destruction, HIV/AIDS, which had kept women`s host wombs in fearful faithfulness and blindness through media blackout and information censorship to her enslaving as a `snuff movie` for Hollywood, Babylon:
`Babylon the Great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

Brains had done much serious research on the virus. The ancient Greeks had institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs in homosexuality and the spread of its contagions in pederasty and war worship. Late 20th century geeks had replaced Greeks as the mainstay of the viral pogrom and had infected intelligent machines with codes that were designed to prevent women from becoming liberated through robots that would care for her and so represented greater humanity than the computer geeks that were devouring women`s intelligence like she was chickens` heads gobbled by the more traditional circus freaks.

The geeks plan seemed to have been to infect the woman`s brains with their own semen and so breed a slave race without brains of her own because she`d remain unaware of her own penis` `seed` if she were kept in ignorance and died ephemerally without ever reaching a mature range of years that would allow her to disseminate the truth to her new generations. Brains had learned that the geeks` masterplan was to channel all the resources of the `serpent`s seed` into killing Woman as an independent human species and deny her medical science to prolong her life. The geeks didn`t want the women to get wise to what they were doing and so infantilism was chosen as the methodological approach towards keeping her unaware of her own penis. In Hollywood Babylon the `foot on the floor rule` had been implemented for a generation in bedroom scenes before it was clear to media viewers everywhere that `futanarian` woman as a species with her own penis` semen was grounded if not extinct.
`Fut off the floor, huh?`

Lady Penislop Bitchpot left Tracey Island in splendid isolation and ambled gracefully back the way she`d come, leaving her come as a damp patch of goo on the yellowy marble tiled Gucci`s designer floor with her footprint in it. Insouciantly she made her way down and across below the beneath upper corridors to Brains` control centre where the architect of the futanarian future of the futrace had begun to run God`s human species` program.

In the lab Brains was inside one of the Thunderbird 2 pods which he periodically examined to see what improvements could be made to the International Rescue green mother bird`s method for delivering its chicks to their zone of activity when Thunderpuds were called upon. There were five Thunderpud vehicles. The blue Earth rocket for speeding about the globe with a bulbous red nose cone shaped like a thingy, Thunderpud 1, which the pilot, Skirt, always used on `red nose day` to inject the profile of the International Rescue team with a comedy element in support of the comedians` charity organisation, `Red Face`, which raised funs to prevent the spread of the `serpent`s seed` and HIV/AIDS. Thunderpud 3 was the totally red spaceship delivery system to the Thunderpud space station and communications` orbiter, Thunderpud 5, while Thunderpud 4 was the yellow submarine sometimes carried inside the pod of Thunderpud 2. The big green momma ship carried the sub inside her pod and dropped both onto the surface of the water, where the aquanaut, Ellen, slid the vessel down the hinged pod`s drawbridge style frontage before submerging. The pilot of Thunderpud 2, Virgin, wasn`t, but she birthed her deliverers well:
`I`m w-w-w-working on a n-n-n-new `pud for th-th-th-the p-p-p-p-pod.`

Brains stuttered, but at least it wasn`t Japanese, where the `l` and the `r` are reversed so `summer holiday` sounded like `smell horror day` or Pearl harbour became Pealr halboul, which was almost impossible to say but the Japanese had said it once, on 7 December, 1941, when their `kamikaze` mitsubishi zero `fighter` pilots had crashed their planes into the decks of the carriers of the US Pacific fleet, where it lay pacifically becalmed, and nobody`d wanted to decipher what they`d had to say then either. If you asked brains, he`d tell you it was because `woman`s seed` pearl, that is, her `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, wasn`t born yet so she couldn`t reproduce her own brains` power and she was being nipped in the pud by the sons of Nippon who wanted her to remain brainless.

The Japanese tradition is to bind the foot of woman so she can`t walk, but the biblical `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour her child before it can walk is the `statue of Liberty` in New York harbour after the United States` defeat of the red sun of the flag of Imperial Japanese chauvinism in WWII (1939-45). Although the `futanarian` woman`s penis can`t be seen beneath the skirts of the statue of Liberty, the true moon of silver could be seen reflected beneath in the waters of New York harbour after the cowardly yellow moon of the flags of the terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, `the base`, hijacked planes to crash into the World Trade Centre on 11 September, 2001. The ensuing war against global homosexual pederasty, that is, `rough trade`, left the statue of Liberty to reflect on `the pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6) which is heaven, and how woman would make her footsteps alone from the base of the Earth to the moon so the futanarian futrace of the human species could place its foot on the first silvered pearl of its seeds` manifest destiny.

Manifest Destiny had always been a part of the American Dream and had derived from the spear of Longinus` piercing of the side of Jesus at his crucifixion and before his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as the first of `woman`s seed` from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by the brain damage inflicted by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s breeding with her futanarian race. The spear of Longinus was called the Spear of Destiny, which the Roman centurion used to pierce the side of the Messiah before proclaiming to the bloodthirsty crowd of onlookers mockingly:
`Surely he was the son of God!` (Matt: 27. 54)

Jesus was called the `Second Adam` and the `first woman`, whose name was Eve, emerged from his rib, according to the Bible, so Longinus` spear pierced the side of Jesus to release the `Second Eve` from the `rib cage` of the `Second Adam`, that is, Jesus, whose teachings were of the futanarian seed of women with their own penis` semen, because he was man born of woman uncontaminated by the male semen of the `serpent`s seed` of men. Because the statue of Liberty is the woman clothed with the sun of the defeat of the red flag of the sun of Japan, the true moon of her victory over the cowardly yellow moon of the flags of the terroristical Al Qaeda, `the base`, was at her feet when their leader, Osama Ben Ladan, was killed by US Navy Seal Team Six on May 2nd, 2011. Reflecting upon the silver moon in the waters of New York harbor, `the pearl of great price` in woman`s futanarian future heaven, the spear of Longinus was the symbol of the Manifest Destiny of woman to be fulfilled in the American Dream of a moon once blue and a true blue heaven beyond the blue and green innocence of Earth`s own `seed` pearl.
`The morning broke like a pomegranate in a shining crack of red.`1

Lady Penislop Bitchpot knew enough about Brains to know this was a word game, so she mused a few moments before replying, `Dawn?` Dawn was the pilot of Thunderpud 1, the silver blue space rocket that the Thunderpuds used to get about the Earth as fast as possible without going into space, which was the role of Thunderpud 3, the all red spaceship. Thunderpud 1 was the Earth rocket, with a red nosecone shaped like a thingy. Brains was communicating in her usual quirky style, because the poetry was from D. H. Lawrence and the words meant `dawn`.

`Dawn wants to combine operations more succinctly. I`m working on a pod to deal with our arch enemy `The Pud` who, as we all know is the megalomaniacal criminal lunatic that would seek to prevent the woman of the Earth from using her own penis to reproduce herself. His assistant, the evil Tranny, has been seen in New Pistacchio, and the Thunderpuds are concerned that women`s pods are under threat from the monopolistic ambitions of `The Pud` who seeks to ensure that the pods of the women that are the host wombs of the Earth will one day contain only the parasitical organism known collectively and individually as `The Pud`. I`m in the process of developing Puddin`, who will emerge from the pod of Thunderpud 2 as a new addition to the Thunderpuds` team. She will be a human better than humans because more able to care for humans than humans, who don`t care enough about themselves to be human enough.`

Lady Penislop Bitchpot reflected for a while on the theme of the ancient Greeks, which was known in the halls of academe as `the puddin` club`, because of the Greeks` hatred for the human species of woman`s seed and their aim of preventing the race from breeding in order to develop its own brains and technology to escape from its jailors upon the Earth. Also known as the `seal clubbers`, the Greek societies of academe aimed to club the children of women to death who`d been produced from human host wombs with their own `futanarian` penis` semen. The pogrom was designed to ensure that women`s hymens remained sealed to anything but the semen of men`s penis and so the `seal clubbing` of women and daughters who were capable of sexually reproducing with women as a separate species went on secretly.

`I got the idea from a character created by science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein, Puddin` Wilson, who appears in the short story, `Poor Daddy` before being reincarnated as Poddy in Podkayne Of Mars, `the Poddy beautiful`, who is killed by her brother in one alternative ending, and resurrected in another, before reappearing as Maureen in the novel To Sail Beyond The Sunset, which is a line from the Greek poet Homer`s The Odyssey narrating the return of Odysseus to his lady, Penelope, after the war against Troy to restore Helen to Greece after her abduction by Paris.`

Penislop hadn`t thought Paris Hilton could have become so enamoured, but reports suggested Helen had been something of a prize in terms of breeding stock and God knew women needed more brains as well as beauty, which was what beauty was for. Men`s looking in the mirror of themselves to reassure the parasite it was sexually atttractive didn`t really bear scrutiny if the women looked at their own penis` reflected in the mirror. It sexually desired her, whereas men weren`t capable of sexual reproduction, according to their own mirror, but it still kept looking.

`The Greeks were able to capture the city of Troy by deploying a pod, that is, a huge wooden horse inside which they hid to emerge when the Trojans took the `gift` inside the city walls. In ancient Greek pederasty was the norm and women`s wombs were enslaved host pods from which the virality of Greek homosexuality emerged to spread their contagion of war further.`

A vision of the giant green Thunderpud 2 flashed through Penislop`s mind as it dropped one of its pods onto some blighted spot upon God`s green and blue world. International Rescue was concerned with deliverance and Brains` depiction of a present danger to the future of the planet filled Bitchpot with dread. What if `The Pud` were to get hold of Thunderpuds` Tracey Island? Everyone there would become a part of a new global terroristical organization, Thunderpeds, and the delivering green pod of the pilot, Virgin, would be converted into a plague carrier:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

`I have decided to call the new Thunderpud pod, Pod More, in honour of Maureen Puddin` `Club` Wilson, Heinlein`s character, and in hopes that she will be nemesis to `The Pud`, whose club seeks to infest the host wombs of the human species with his viral form rather than that `woman`s seed` should self-reproduce with her own penis` semen as `futanarian` human woman and begin the process of eradicating the parasite that has given her brain damage through its clubbing and breeding with her.`

Lady Penislop relfected that `The Pud` may`ve escaped from Broadmoor top security loony bin for psychopathic monsters but he wouldn`t ever elude her Brains, or Pod More, Brains` latest creation. More knew the board, Penislop was sure she would and, although `the game was afoot,`2 as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle`s great detective, Sherlock Homes, once said, the `futanarian` wouldn`t be `game` for the bored anymore, if Pod More was as good an operator as Penislop expected her to be.
`Where is Pod More?`

All of their conversation had taken place without the two interlocutors being able to see each other. Brains emerged from the pod of Thunderpud 2 he was working in with a green suited figure at her side, Pod More, she presumed.

`You`re assumption is correct,` Pod More spoke, `and I am but one of my sisters, for we have been breeding in secret for many eons, owing to Brains` having unravelled the mysteries of time travel. Although you may think of us as humans, and we are, we are something more. We care. And the humans that you know do not care enough because their brains are infected with the virus. We are here to deliver the human `futrace` from its contamination. We are Pod More.`

Obviously Pod More was telepathic, Penislop Bitchpot mused. No point in hiding her thoughts, she observed to herself, and made a mental note to tell Pod More not to tell others she was a telepath, because the evil didn`t like having their minds read. Still, it was certainly an advantage over `The Pud` and his evil assistant, Tranny, who wasn`t `futanarian` woman, but war falsies.
`May the Puds be with you!`

Lady Bitchpot made the traditional three fingered gesture to indicate the cherished hope that one day the human species could walk with a third foot, as the great Greek dramatist, Sophocles had once suggested in his seminal, Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C), where the eponymous character, `slow foot`, represented the inability of the male to progress without killing itself and woman`s `futanarian` human species with its own penis` semen:
`What goes on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?`3

The riddle is `Man` but Oedipus, that is, `slow foot`, thinks it`s because a man walks with a cane in old age, which he does because he`s a blind fool who`s killed the human `futrace` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and slowed her in her progress to the planets and stars rather than walk beside her `fut`. God had warned Eve in the Bible of men`s `serpent`s seed` and its `perpetual enmity` for her `seed` but promised she would:
`... crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)

And her family tree would then bear fruit. Instead of the tobacco industry defoliating large swathes of Brazilian rain forest to grow its leaves. The white cigarette with its glowing ember was a symbol of the white cane of the blind man who had killed or `smoked` the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen with their guns, which was the stick envisaged by the Sphinx before the Egyptian city of Thebes, when she asked Oedipus her riddle:
`What walks on three legs in the evening?`

Oedipus replied `Man`, because he`s crippled in old age and needs a cane to walk with. Cain was the brother who slew Abel, his sibling in the Bible, because he was more able, so the blind man`s white cane, or white cigarette stick with its glowing end, is a symbol of the `mark of Cain`, the murderer, and his gun`s blindness. Oedipus, who blinds himself because he`s married his mother, and men`s incest taboo says he should be punished, is a type of the man fooled by those who don`t want the `incestuous` family of woman, with her own penis` `seed` and developed brains, to breed and escape them, so he walks alone without her `futanarian` foot by his side and, as amongst the hunters of her human species, that is, in-bred, brain damaged cripples, he won`t be able to see his human mother, because men have killed his sight and, eventually, his boy sons will be the poisons of his brain damage that`ll kill them both:
`... somewhere in sands of the desert a shape with lion body and the head of a man, a gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, is moving ...`4

In ancient Greece`s Oedipus Rex, Sophocles` drama, the Sphinx has the body of a lioness, the face and breasts of a woman, and the wings of an eagle, because the woman of Revelation, who gives birth to the New Redeemer, Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, is given `eagle`s wings` to take her to a place of safety in the desert where she`ll remain `hidden`, as she`s `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`, which explains the tradition of Arabian women of being unseen in their one-piece coverall, the abiyah, from which only their eyes can be seen:
`... what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?`

Lady Penislop Bitchpot left Brains with Pod More and ambled over to the stairway that led to the library off the great hall of Tracey Island`s. She wanted to check a few things in the magazine, Century TV 21 & A Bitch, which always gave some details of the world`s opinion about Tracey and her doings. Tracey was a `star` of the movies, made by Century TV 21 & A Bitch studios, and Thunderpuds was the doyen of news journos everywhere, as they were good copy for feats of derring do and rescues worldwide. It was the `cat stuck in a tree` syndrome. Everybody loved a feelgood story in which some dumb animal got saved from its own stupidity, and the globe was full of brainless imbeciles, if the regular exploits of Tracey Island`s Thunderpuds` International Rescue (IR) vehicles were anything to go by:

The Century TV 21 & A Bitch `journalist` went on to explain in the article that Isla Foo, Tracey Island`s progeny, felt that her penis wasn`t getting enough attention from her mother and, as a Christian, with a belief in the principles and teachings of Jesus, that is, `the first of woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, born from his `futanarian` mother, the Virgin Mary, Isla Foo had demanded that `Love your neighbour as you love yourself` (Mk: 12. 30-31), which was the injunction of Jesus, as the meaning of God`s law, be applied in her case, so she could go next door and get her penis` `seed` into reproduction and breed some of her own species` brains rather than that her daughters should live brain damaged lives contaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men.

That was the front page headline and inside the pages of the Century TV21 & A Bitch newspaper were more stories about the goings on around Tracey island as well as information about the activities of Miss Majorette Scarlet, who was perennially combatting the threat of the Mister Rons from her place at Tara, and Joan Nicely, aged 9, who was senior operator in the World Intelligence Network (WIN), whose aim was to stop it before it started by being intelligent enough to see what the problem was going to be.

Lady Penislop Bitchpot was most interested in Young Rae, the Century TV 21 & A Bitch `reality series` about the secret submarine aquanaut, Try Dimpest, because she was so unavailable. Marina Aqua Marina was in a double page centre spread revealing her mermaid`s charms, as was usually the case in Century TV 21 & A Bitch rags, and her mad jiggle wobblers could be seen with and without fins, as was the way with mermaids, who were amphibious in water and bipedal on land, or so the Century TV 21 & A Bitch hack would have its readers think, and they probably couldn`t.

The Aquaphobians were the underwater civilization, culture and art fearful of being devoured with chips and their Queen, Tits, employed a `surface agent`, Six X Zero, to reduce bad sex everywhere, because the very idea of it was having a deleterious effect on Marina Aqua Marina, her friend who wasn`t a slave at all but just liked it a lot. In their city under the ocean, Titsity, the `Phobians were attempting to make contact with Try Dimpest, the lover of Fatlardbutt Sure, the American quasi non-military but uniformedly actionable heroine, who appeared as an archetypal feminist guard protecting the women from knowing about their own penis so that the maliens could safely make the human species of `futanarian` women extinct, in their secret pogroms against her.

Marina`s pet seal, Bonk, was just there to remind the Greater Seal of the United States of America of its obligation, as the `eagle`s wings` of the women `hidden` in the desert after giving birth to the `New Redeemer`, Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, to protect the hymen of the `futanarian` human mother with her own penis and `woman`s seed` that was reportedly much beloved by God, according to the Bible. Try Dimpest was the aquanaut pilot of the super secret submersible, Young Rae, who never gave up trying her best despite being dim as a 40 watt bulb and a pest. The TV 21 reporter wrote that the current plot involved the disappearance of Young Rae beneath the sea, where Titsity was located but couldn`t be seen, although Fatlardbutt Sure was certain she`d be there, `somehow, someday, somewhere ..,`5 if she followed `every rainbow until she found her dream,`6 whatever that might mean.

Flipping the pages desultorily, Penislop gathered that Suppercar, and its pilot, Bike Murky, so called because of her being a bike to ride and liking it dark, was having a `Last Supper` in the car in emulation of Jesus`. Bim Gobbles and her `party animal` companion, Bitch Mink, were invited because of their accepting the teachings of the Gospel, and so had been `saved`; for dessert apparently. Unable to conceive of anything, the maliens were eating the human `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` so that it couldn`t self-reproduce its own brains and escape from the evil maliens.

Jesus` teachings were to accept the host womb of the woman as guests and not eat her, and so he had given the disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` in an attempt to train them not to eat the host, but Chewedus had betrayed him to the Rumuns, who`d not wanted `woman`s seed` to breed and so tortured and murdered Christ as a celibate rejector of malien contaminants, such as HIV/AIDS and other brain damage. Despite being `hidden`, the women of the dessert still appeared on the secret menu, because men knew. All they had to do was blind women to knowledge of their own penis` capacity for self-reproducing her own brains` power, and she could be enslaved, hunted and eaten as an ignorant dead race without any brains of her own, but bred only for table and a last good `sup` amongst Chewedus and his mates.

Brains` breeding program was the solution to the parasites, who weren`t cannibals because they weren`t humans. More properly, the maliens corresponded to the biblical `blood plague` of Revelation, because HIV/AIDS` cells, produced by the maliens in woman rejecting anal intercourse with each other, that is, by mixing blood, shit and semen in their arses, pretended to be the white cells of the human body`s immune system. Like the ancient Greeks before the city of Troy, they invaded the human citadel by leaving a `friendship gift`, corresponding to malien sexuality, which appears in Virgil`s description of the Trojan war, The Aeneid, as a huge wooden horse, from which the `hidden` Greeks, who were insititutionalized homosexuals, emerged to enslave the `host` wombs of women and spread their parastical virus`s contagion of pederasty and war:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`7

`Greek` was a 20th century euphemism for homosexuality and pederasty and, by the 21st century, the `Trojan virus` was a `geek` metaphor for the contamination of functioning machine systems to prevent `woman`s seed` from growing by infecting them with bad machine code to ensure their collapse and dysfunctionality, which was what men had been doing with the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for reproducing developed brains cleansed of her `Trojans`. Hollywood, Babylon, had presented heroic leading men for generations as women`s protection, but they aren`t and, in bedroom scenes the rule that women must keep their `foot on the floor`, enforced the taboo against her `futanarian` penis being visible so she`d become extinct without ever being able to raise herself from the bed of her brains` damagers:
`In general passion should so be treated that these scenes do not stimulate the lower and baser element.`8

As the `hidden` woman of Revelation, `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, is `the statue of Liberty` with her `torch of freedom` in New York harbour, so the moon reflected in her waters is `the base`. The Al Qaeda terrorists` flag is the moon and `the base` is what `Al Qaeda` means. According to the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), water is a symbol of the unconscious, which contains what is to be born from the human race`s mind. For humans, `the base` is either evil or what is the foundation, so `Liberty` is the woman whose penis` `seed` is `hidden` beneath her skirts and her child is being kept down beneath the waters of her unconsciousness so the human species can`t be born. Liberty, `clothed with the sun`, was her defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan in 1945 after the `sneak attack` on Pearl harbor, where the US Pacific fleet lay becalmed, on 7 December, 1941, and where Pearl harbor`s defence was the United States` defending `the pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6) in the Bible, which is heaven`s `seed` pearl, Woman. The silvery moon at the base of Liberty in her waters of New York harbor is where heaven awaits her `futanarian` foot, traditionally bound by the Japanese to make it more difficult for her to run:

Having perused the main banner headline and a little of the content of the story about Jenny Trudgeon, sometime `futanarian` co-pilot of Thunderpud 3 spaceship and Thunderbird 5 space station orbiter, Lady Penislop Bitchpot went to see if I`n`t in tin was anywhere to be found. Returning to the vestibule along the great hall of Tracey Island with its framed pictures of the Thunderpuds; Brains, Skirt, Virgin, Dawn, Ellen, Jenny Trudgeon, and Gotdone, the daughter of Tracey Island and the contents of one of Brains` test tubes, who had loved and lust, so now lived aboard Thunderpud 5`s space station communications` orbiter to stop her from getting pregnant again with the `serpent`s seed`.

Lady Pensislop stopped to muse in front of her own likeness, which became illumined when Tracey Island was communicating with her at Bitchpot`s stately home of Slutbucket Manor in the North West East British Western coastal seaside resort of Wales` provincial backwater, Bustrevealed-On-Tap. But musing wouldn`t produce anything tangible so Penislop Bitchpot of Slutbucket, Bustrevealed-On-Tap, continued on her way to discover I`n`t in tin by the door.

Imagine her surprise to discover I`n`t in tin and Coco, the famous fashion model, with their nuts in their palms, and I`n`t in tin just about to get it in. Tracey Island was famous for dates because of its palms, so Penislop decided I`n`t in tin was with her date and left while Coco`s nuts were still trembling in the palms. The chauffeur, Shareah-Chair-Sucker-Parker, was standing waiting presciently by the pink limousine that, to some people, looked a lot like a large thingy, and glanced provocatively at the number plate legend, FABRIC 1:
`Now Parker,` said Penislop Bitchpot.

Wending their way homeward to Bustrevealed, Slutbucket Manor, Penislop and Shareah-Chair-Sucker were sharing the driver`s seat in an unimaginably convoluted entanglement of limbs, mouths and genital equipment. As the tall spires of stately Slutbucket hove into view, Bitchpot and Shareah were growing closer in a deep emotional feeling of togetherness and spiritual awakening that would last until it was time to feed the sealions.
1 Lawrence, D. H. `Wedding Morn`, 1911.
2 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Adventure Of The Abbey Grange, 1904.
3 Frazer, Sir James George (ed.) Apollodorus, Library, Apollod, 3. 5. 8.
4 Blake, William `The Second Coming`, The Dial, 1919.
5 Sondheim, Stephen `Somewhere`, West Side Story, 1957.
6 Hammerstein II, Oscar `Climb E`vry Mountain`, The Sound Of Music, 1959.
7 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B.C.
8 Hays The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930, II, Sex (2) Scenes of passion (c).